September 9, 2004, is a day I will never forget. It seemed like any other morning when I woke, but it would become the greatest day of my life.

Like most other people, I had struggled and worked hard to survive all my life, dealing with difficulties and obstacles as best I could. But 2004 had been an especially tough year for me, and the challenging circumstances literally brought me to my knees on September 9. My relationships, health, career, and finances appeared to be in an irretrievable state. I could see no way out of the mounting difficulties that surrounded me. And then it happened!

My daughter handed me a one-hundred-year-old book’, and during the ninety minutes it took me to read the book, my entire life changed. I understood how everything had happened in my life, and I immediately knew what to do to change every circumstance into what I wanted.

I had discovered a secret, a secret that had been passed on through centuries but had been known by very few people throughout history.

From that moment, the world I saw was not the same world. Everything I had believed about the way life worked was the very opposite of how it really was. I had lived decades believing that things in life just happen to us. But now, I could see the incredible truth.

I could also see that the majority of people did not know this secret, and so I set out to share it with the world. Against every imaginable obstacle I created the film The Secret, and it was released to the world in 2006. Later the same year I wrote the book The Secret, which enabled me to share more of what I had discovered.

When The Secret was released, it traveled at lightning speed and was passed from one person to another across the planet. Today tens of millions of people in every country in the world have changed their lives in the most incredible ways with its knowledge.

As people learned how to change their lives with The Secret, they shared thousands of amazing stories with me, and I received more insights into why people experience such difficulties in their lives. And with those insights came the knowledge of The Power – knowledge that can change lives instantly.

The Secret reveals the law of attraction – the most powerful law that governs our lives. The Power contains the essence of everything I have learned since The Secret was released in 2006. In The Power you will come to understand that all it takes is just one thing to change your relationships, money, health, happiness, career, and your entire Life.

You don’t need to have read The Secret for The Power to change your life, because everything you need to know is contained in The Power. If you have read The Secret, then this book will add immeasurably to what you already know.

There is so much for you to know. There is so much for you to understand about yourself and your life. And it is all good. In fact it is beyond good, it is phenomenal!