If You Can Feel It, You Can Receive It

Everything in the universe is magnetic and everything has a magnetic frequency. Your feelings and thoughts have magnetic frequencies too. Good feelings mean you're on a positive frequency of love. Bad feelings mean you’re on a negative frequency. Whatever you feel, whether good or bad, determines your frequency, and like a magnet you attract the people, events, and circumstances that … Continue reading If You Can Feel It, You Can Receive It

The Power of Feeling – POINTS OF POWER

How you feel in any one moment is more important than anything else, because how you feel right now is creating your life. Your feelings are the power of your thoughts and words. It’s what you feel that matters! All good feelings come from love! All negative feelings come from a lack of love. Every good feeling unites … Continue reading The Power of Feeling – POINTS OF POWER

Everything Is About How You Feel

Everything in life is about how you feel. Every decision you make in your life is based on how you feel. The single motivating power of your entire life is your feelings! Whatever you want in your life, you want it because you love it and because it will make you feel good. Whatever you don’t want in … Continue reading Everything Is About How You Feel

Your Feelings Reflect What You’re Giving

You can tell right now in the major areas of your life whether you have been giving more good feelings or more bad feelings. How you feel about each subject in your life, such as money, health, your job, and every individual relationship, is an exact reflection of what you have been giving out on each subject. When you … Continue reading Your Feelings Reflect What You’re Giving

Good Means Good

Most people understand how it feels to feel good or really bad but don’t realize they are living with negative feelings a lot of the time. People think that feeling bad means feeling extreme negativity, such as sadness, grief, anger, or fear, and while feeling bad does include all those feelings, negative feelings come in many degrees. If you … Continue reading Good Means Good

Feeling is the Secret

-- You’re a Feeling Being From the moment you are born, you are always feeling something, and so is every other person. You can stop your conscious thoughts when you’re sleeping, but you can never stop feeling because to be alive is to feel life. You are a feeling “being” to the core of you, and so … Continue reading Feeling is the Secret