The Power of Feeling – POINTS OF POWER


How you feel in any one moment is more important than anything else, because how you feel right now is creating your life.

Your feelings are the power of your thoughts and words. It’s what you feel that matters!

All good feelings come from love! All negative feelings come from a lack of love.

Every good feeling unites you with the force of love, because love is the source of all good feelings.

Amplify your good feelings by thinking about all the things you love.

Count the things you love nonstop one after the other. Keep listing everything you love until you feel amazing.

How you feel about each subject in your life is an exact reflection of what you have been giving out on each subject.

Life isn’t happening to you – life is responding to you! Every subject of your life is your call and you make the call on everything in life by what you give.

There are infinite levels of good feelings you can feel, which means there is no end to the heights of life you can receive.

All the things you love want you! Dollars want you. Health wants you. Happiness wants you.

Don’t struggle to change the circumstances of your life. Give love through your good feelings and what you want will appear!

You have to give good feelings first. You have to be happy first, and give happiness, to receive happy things! Whatever you want to receive in life, you must give first!

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