Every action of GIVING creates an opposite action of RECEIVING.

In any moment, you’re giving either positive thoughts or  negative thoughts. You’re giving either positive feelings or negative feelings. And whether they’re positive or negative will determine what you receive back in your life. All the people,
circumstances, and events that make up every moment of your life are being attracted back to you through the thoughts and feelings you’re giving out. Life doesn’t just happen to you; you receive everything in your life based on what you’ve given.

“Give, and it will be given to you … for by your
standard of measure it will be measured to you
in return.”


What you give – you receive. Give help and support to a friend when he’s moving house, and most surely that help and support will return to you with lightning speed.

Give anger to a family member who let you down, and that anger will also return to you, clothed in the circumstances of your life.

You are creating your life with your thoughts and your feelings . Whatever you think and feel creates everything that happens to you and everything you experience in your life. If
you think and feel, “I’ve got a difficult and stressful day today,” then you will attract back to you all people, circumstances, and events that will make your day difficult and stressful.

If you think and feel , “Life is really good to me,” you will attract back to you all people, circumstances, and events that will make life really good for you .

Give positivity, 
you receive back positivity;

Give negativity,
you receive back negativity.

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