You Are a Magnet

The law of attraction is unfailingly giving you every single thing in your life based on what you're giving out. You magnetize and receive the circumstances of wealth, health, relationships, your job, and every single event and experience in your life, based on the thoughts and feelings you're giving out. Give out positive thoughts and feelings about money, and … Continue reading You Are a Magnet

Every action of GIVING creates an opposite action of RECEIVING.

In any moment, you're giving either positive thoughts or  negative thoughts. You're giving either positive feelings or negative feelings. And whether they're positive or negative will determine what you receive back in your life. All the people, circumstances, and events that make up every moment of your life are being attracted back to you through the thoughts and feelings … Continue reading Every action of GIVING creates an opposite action of RECEIVING.

The Attractive Force of Love

So what is the force of attraction? The force of attraction is the force of love! Attraction is love. When you feel an attraction to your favorite food, you're feeling love for that food; without attraction, you wouldn't feel anything. All food would be the same to you. You wouldn't know what you love or what you don't love, because … Continue reading The Attractive Force of Love