The Law of Love

The universe is governed by natural laws. We can fly in an airplane because aviation works in harmony with natural laws. The laws of physics didn't change for us to be able to fly, but we found a way to work in accordance with the natural laws, and by doing so we can fly. Just as laws of physics … Continue reading The Law of Love

Love Is the Force That Moves You

Everything you want to be, do, or have comes from love. Without love, you wouldn't move. There would be no positive force to propel you to get up in the morning, to work, play, dance, talk, learn, listen to music, or do anything at alL You'd be like a stone statue. It is the positive force of love that inspires … Continue reading Love Is the Force That Moves You

What is The Power

"What this power is I cannot say; all I know is that it exists." Alexander Graham Bell (1847-1922) Inventor of The Telephone Life is simple. Your life is made up of only two kinds of things - positive things and negative things. Each area of your life, whether it's your health, money; relationships, work, or happiness, is either positive … Continue reading What is The Power